Frequently Asked Questions 

Discovery Flights

  • How do I pay for a discovery flight?

    You can purchase on our Online Store, give us a call to purchase over the phone, or stop by during office hours.

  • How do I book my discovery flight after I have purchased online?

    Give us a call at 864-242-4201 and we will get you all booked!

  • Can I bring someone with me on my discovery flight? Is there an additional cost?

    Depending on weight and balance of the aircraft, you can take up to two extra people with you at no additional charge. When booking, please let them know if you plan on bringing anyone with you so we can confirm beforehand if the weight will be within limits.

  • What do I need to bring with me on my discovery flight?

    You do not need to bring anything with you in order to take the flight. If you do plan on continuing with flight training, plan on bringing a birth certificate with valid state ID or passport in order to comply with TSA requirements.

  • How old do you have to be to take a discovery flight?

    There is not an age requirement in order to go on a discovery flight. They make great gifts for people of all ages.

  • How much does the discovery flight cost?

    It is $225 for an hour discovery flight. If you would like to avoid the 3% credit/debit card, feel free to bring cash or a check.

  • Do you offer gift cards or gift certificates?

    We offer both! If you would like a gift card, please stop by during office hours and we would be more than happy to set that up. If you purchase through our online store, you will be emailed a confirmation certificate.

  • Do you offer birthday parties?

    We do! We have partnered with Take Off Mini Golf to facilitate this. For packages and pricing, please contact them at (864) 263-3456.

Obtaining your pilots license

  • How much does it cost to get your private pilots license?

    We usually tell people between $9,000-$15,000 is an average we are seeing. This all depends on you and how quickly you grasp the concepts, as well as how often you fly. The more often you fly, the less it will cost as you are not having to relearn what you have already learned.

  • Are there financing options?

    Yes, there are! Flight Training Finance and AOPA offer loans to students trying to obtain their pilot’s license. To learn more, either give us a call, or click on their link!

  • How much does it cost to get to a point where I can make money with a pilots license?

    This is a tricky question. In order to get through all of the ratings that we offer, it generally costs about $45,000-$65,000. This would allow you to work as a certified flight instructor in order to build time for another flying job.

  • How much is ground school?

    Ground school is charged at the instructors hourly rate of $55/hr. Usually this is supplemented with online ground schools to try to save you money.

  • How do I sign up for ground school?

    If you are already with an instructor, contact them in order to schedule a time that works for you both. If you are new or currently do not have an instructor, give us a call and we would be more than happy to set you up with one.

  • Do I need a medical certificate before I fly?

    You do not need a medical certificate in order to start training. In order to solo, you will need to obtain one. Click the link to find an AME (Aviation Medical Examiner) near you.

  • How do I get a medical certificate?

    To get a medical certificate, you will have to contact a medical examiner to set up an appointment. After you have done that, you will need to fill out a medxpress application.

  • How long does it take?

    This one is completely up to you. We have had students complete their license in as little as 30 days, but typically takes 3-6 months depending on the time you have to dedicate to your training. We suggest flying at least 1-2 times a week in order to stay on track.

    Aircraft Rental

  • What do I need to do to rent an aircraft?

    You will need to bring your pilot certificates, current medical, passport/birth certificate, and a credit card to put on file. We do require an aircraft checkout in each make/model you are wanting to rent, and for the annual incidental fee of $300 to be paid prior to flight. This checkout is valid for 90 days, as long as you fly within the 90 day period, the checkout will renew.

  • Do you have any daily minimums for rental?

    We do require a 2 hour per calendar day. If you do not put this time on the plane, you will be charged the difference upon check in.

  • What kind of renters insurance do I need to rent your aircraft?

We no longer accept renter’s insurance, but we do have an Annual Incidental Fee of $300, which is expected to be paid before soloing.

  • What does an aircraft checkout entail? How often do I need to get checked out?

    The aircraft checkout usually consists of about an hour with one of our instructors. They will take you up and make sure you are familiar with the area, as well as perform a couple maneuvers and landings. The checkout is valid for 90 days. As long as you fly with us in that 90 days window, the checkout will renew. If you fail to fly with us, we will have to get you checked back out in the make and model you desire to rent.

  • Do I need to get checked out in every aircraft?

    You will have to get checked out in each make/model of aircraft you wish to rent from us.


  • How much does it cost to rent your sim?

    The full motion Redbird simulator (FAA certified AATD) we have costs $93/hr to rent.

  • What aircraft does your sim represent?

    The full motion sim simulates a 6-pack Cessna 172, a Garmin G1000 Piper Archer, or a 6-pack Piper Seminole.

  • How many hours can I log towards my ratings in the sim?

    2.5 towards Private, 20 towards Instrument, and 50 towards commercial.

  • Can I use the sim towards IFR currency?

    YES! Not only is this a great tool for training, but it allows our instrument rated pilots to stay current for a lot less money.